Last year at this time (for those of you who have been with me since then may remember), I decided that instead of New Year’s resolutions, I’d try to give myself advice in an attempt to make the coming year better. I decided to give said advice in a letter addressed to my younger self. Since we all (hopefully) continue to learn and grow, myself included, I have made a few additions to my letter for 2014.  I am proud to say that it was was published yesterday in the Orange County Register as seen below! Be sure to read to the end as I have a challenge for you!

Happy New Year everybody. May it be a year filled with physical good health, healthy relationships (including the one with ourselves), healthy wallets and savings accounts, and a healthy outlook for the coming year!! Good health all around!!

With much appreciation and gratitude,



One Comment

  1. Julie says:

    Once again, beautiful and truthful! …and I agree with you, it is definitely easier to give advice to others then to speak to ‘our own-selves’, so great idea! May you be blessed with a world of good, overflowing with love, happiness and truth.
    love always…


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