
I don’t know if it’s because I’m tired, or because I text too much, but right now every thought that crosses my mind is abbreviated. There has to be something seriously wrong when you can put together a complete thought with a string of abbrevs!

I’m sitting at work, knowing I have a greater purpose in life thinking FML, WTF. Then, someone approaches to ask me a question interrupting my pity party, and my inside head voice is saying, BTW, FYI, DGAF! The question asked is utterly ridiculous to anyone with common sense, thus the voice in my head continues screaming, OMG! GTFO!

Today this voice has taken control of not only my overall positive outlook, but also my usual eloquent train of thought, (she says with a pinch of sarcasm). To discover why, I follow my trail of thought, and it leads me to the time of the month. No, not as it relates to my ovaries, for I believe they have retired (TMI?). More to the fact that Mother’s Day is approaching (well, I suppose that indirectly relates to my ovaries), and I can see it becoming bittersweet.

Hallmark holidays can make us feel warm and fuzzy like their commercials, or they can leave us with a mixed bag of emotions (or candy if needed), unfulfilled expectations, and possibly sadness.

Mother’s Day is no exception. It’s a day to buy cards, gifts, go out to brunch, and most importantly to remember our mothers. For some, this is not always easy due to strained relationships or because their mothers are no longer with us.

I am very blessed as a daughter. I am able to celebrate with my spunky, talented, wonderful mom, whom I greatly admire, appreciate and love very much. I’ve also been blessed to have the love of another mother figure for over thirty years, who is now recuperating from a recent stroke. This has thrown in an unwelcomed dose of reality, and reinforced the notion of letting people know how much we love them when we can—holiday or no holiday.

Reflecting as Nancy the mother, I feel so abundantly grateful, and think my kids should get the presents on Mother’s Day, as they are my gift and source of pure joy and love. They have been my life’s purpose.

Therein lies the rub.

As our children get older, they don’t need us in the same way and our roles as mothers continually change. Therefore, I think it’s important to check in with our children and discuss how they think we can best be their mom as they become adults. This will ideally lessen the sting of not feeling needed as mothers, while providing our children what they actually need.

Dancing on the ever-shifting floor of life requires a lot of fancy footwork. Sometimes we trip, sometimes we’re a dancing star, but as long as we’re dancing with those we love, that is what’s important.

Please check out the YouTube link below to hear a song my mom wrote in 1954. “Thinking of My Mom” brings tears to my eyes, and is still relevant today.



TTFN, and if there’s a mom in your life, go buy that Mother’s Day card ASAP!



  1. pianogal says:

    Great article! So true… many good messages here! We, as mothers, must constantly readjust our roles with our kids needs. These roles change with the times, and one day, our kids might be even be taking care of us! Shocking but true! As to the abbreviations, after I read your blog, my husband and I tried to talk in all abbreviations with initials. It was a hoot! Could turn into a party game and replace Charades!! Thanks again for an insightful, fun and interesting blog! PS, I did listen to the song your mother wrote. It is just beautiful. Brought tears go my eyes also!

  2. pianogal says:

    Love your family photo, too! How beautiful you all are!

  3. Hula Honey says:

    Well, I wish I could speak in all of those abreves but alas. Good post Nancy and now I’m going to the song!!!!


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